This post is a little late. Weeks late. It's a photo thing (and a lazy thing).
However, a couple of Mondays ago, something pretty sad happened. On his way to work some poor chap had a heart attack in the car, veered across three lanes of traffic, onto the other side of the road, and plowed into a
stobbie pole. Luckily he didn't take anyone with him, and from all accounts died quickly.
And took out the power on most of the south ridge of the university.
Now, universities are strange places. Very caught up on things like.... dunno OHS&W, and not so caught up on things like.... dunno, quality assuring assessment*.
But maybe that's just me.
Anyway, at about 9.30 when the emergency lighting was about to go it was decided that it was an EMERGENCY as we had to survive on natural light and this was obviously going to lead to an ACCIDENT.
So the alarms were sounded and we were ordered out of the building. NOW. Because it was an EMERGENCY.
Heaven help us.
Anyway, it was a Monday, the sun was unusually sunny in the sky for this time of the year and we were foot loose and fancy free. So, of course Dr Space Junk and I decided to go to the
Royal Adelaide Show. I love the show - how excitement. It's less excitement for
DSJ, as she is a farm girl, and grew up around all of the things I get such a kick out of. But she was a very good friend and followed me to the pigs (my favourite) and the cows and the milking shed. I love watching the milking, I think it just brings back of memories of cold, early starts for her.
But it was show time, so we also checked out:
The cheese and wine pavilions

Bad interpretation. Dreadful. All tourism experiences have been ruined for me, forever, I fear.
the food halls

I made a remark about a guy with a huge salami.
DSJ thought I was saying something quite different until she saw these..
tsk tsk.
The piggies!

I love the piggies. They're cute. And delicious. What more could you ask?
And also the wood chopping.

Everyone likes the wood chopping, must be something in our genes. the same guy has been competing here since I was a wee one, and I still get excited when I see him wield the axe.
... ... and we saw a marching band while we were having dinner (it's a dark photo I know). They were quite good, only a few bum notes, and much to the horror of
DSJ, I got up and danced.

We also saw the textiles, the cakes and preserves, other baked goods, walked around the show bag hall, ate some curry, visited the
CWA, bought a fairy on a stick.

We also visited the main arena, where the show was being stage directed by friend Brown Steve. Again
DSJ proved her self a good friend by sitting through the pipe band with me. It's my lifelong dream to play the pipes in a pipe band.
And exhausted we went home, stopping at the train station to watch the fireworks. Until next year...
* this is not to say that we don't have quality assessment, but there's resistance to actually quantifying and recording it.